Foto: Erika Hebbert

Brede Fristad

Brede is an actor educated from Westerdals. He has contributed to several movies and series. Some of those are Utøya 22. juli, Basic Bitch, Betrayed and Kjære Landsmenn.

Brede also has experience within theater with both acting and directing. In addition to this, he features the radio program “Lekekassa” at NRK P3 from time to time.



Height Other languages
190 cm English

Film and TV

ProductionProduction companyDirectorRoleYear
Harald & Sonja Paradox Vibeke Idsøe Friend of Harald2025
QuislingParadoxErik PoppePer Røed 2024
Quisling- The Final Days ParadoxErik PoppePer Røed 2024
FlingSeefoodTorstein BjørklundRobber 2023
Basic BitchFeelgood SFTRikke Gregersen, Thorstein BjørklundJon2020-2023
Kjære LandsmennPlan BHallvar WitzøJesper2022
Den Største ForbrytelsenFantefilmEirik SvenssonPoliti2020
Utøya 22. juliParadoxErik PoppePetter2017


En julefortellingNationaltheatret Maren BjørsethFred, unge Ebenezer2024
Besøk av gammel dame Nationaltheatret Sigrid Strøm Reibo Ektemann 7, 8 og 92024
Mannen og kråkaVadmelsbandenSebastian WarholmDiverse2021
Brødre & SøstreNIEKjell MobergMarkus2020-2021
YvonneKHiOMagnus SparsaasCyprian2019
En midtsommernattsdrømKHiOSullivan NordrumDemetrius2018
Det er fullt her inneKHiOSimen Formo HayMerkel Franzen2018


Westerdals School of ACTActing2016-2019
Romerike FolkehøgskoleTheatre2015-2016

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