Eline Høyer

Eline is educated from Musikkteaterhøyskolen, but was already from a young age working as a voice actor. Some of the productions she has contributed to are A-list, Lion Guard and K.C. Undercover for Disney.

Eline speaks fluent Swedish and she is a full time employee at Göteborg Stadsteater. Here, she has contributed to plays such as Idlaflickorna, 100 sanger and as the leading role Audrey in Little Shop of Horror.

Foto: Johan Eriksson

Foto: Johan Eriksson

Foto: Johan Eriksson



HeightOther languages
174 cmSwedish, English (US)

Film and TV

ProductionProduction companyDirectorRoleYear
Delete me Einar Film & FortellingerMarie KristiansenBelinda2023
Ingenting å le avHummelfilm ASPetter NæssSykepleier2020


En död komikers liv-en saga om Lenny BruceGöteborg Stadsteater2022
100 sangerGöteborg Stadsteater2022
Mordet på MaratGöteborg StadsteaterHerr Duperret2022
Kejsarn av PortugallienGöteborg StadsteaterKlara Fina Gulleborg2021
Little Shop Of Horrors
Göteborg StadsteaterAudrey2019
Konstabel LockstockUrinetown
 Cosmopolite SceneKonstabel Lockstock2018
Jakten på den gamle julesangenCentralteateretJulie2003


MusikkteaterhøyskolenMusical Theatre2015-2017

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