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Kristine Riis
Kristine is known from radio and TV as an actor, comedian and host.
For years, she was the host for the humor program Drillpikene at NRK P3. She also contributed to the comedy programs Løvebakken and Torsdag kveld fra Nydalen, in addition to Nissene over skog og hei before she moved to Stockholm and worked as a host for Sveriges radio. In 2015 she moved back to Oslo and became one of the members in the comedy show Underholdningsavdelingen at NRK1. She was there for two seasons.
From 2016-2020 she had the role of Liv in all three seasons of the Netflix series Norsemen.
Kristine is a well known radio voice and has worked as a host in Nitimen for several years, and for Reiseradioen in the summer. She has also been hosting P3morgen and Tidenes morgen for a short period of time.
Recently, Kristine played the role of Randi, one of the main characters in the NRK seriesFamilien Lykke, and hosted her own podcast, Hvor gammel er hun egentlig?
Together with Live Nelvik and Pernille Sørensen, she performed the show 3 for 1 at Latter, followed by a tour in 2023.