Foto: Per Heimly

Tuva Billing

Tuva has not only one, but two bachelor’s degrees in theater and acting. One from Høgskulen i Volda and one from Westerdals.

She debuted in Espen Eckbo’s comedy series Nissene i bingen, which received good reviews. Tuva has also been seen in the NRK series Olympiatroppen and Side om side. In addition to this, she had the role of Bodil in the satire series Lunch, directed by Julian Hagemann.

Tuva was one of five contestants in the ninth season of Kongen Befaler and played the role of Annie in the comedy series Still Looking.



174 cm

Film and TV

ProductionProduction companyDirectorRoleYear
Still Looking SeefoodPatrik SyversenAnnie 2024
PurkThe Oslo Company Trond Kvernstrøm, Hallgrim HaugLawbreaker2024
LunchThe Oslo CompanyJulian HagemannBodil2022
Side om sideNRKMarit ÅsleinTiril2022
OlympiatroppenNRKNils Fredrik Røen2022
Nissene i bingenSeefoodEspen Eckbo, Martin Zimmer, Håkon HerrestahlLone Finstad2021


Production Production company Role Year
Kongen befaler Nordisk Film TV Contestant2023


Høyskolen Kristiania, WesterdalsBA Acting2019-2022
Høgskolen i OsloPPU Theatre communication2016-2017
Høgskulen i VoldaBA Theatre2013-2016


AwardCategory Production Year
Humorprisen Best Comedy-DramaStill Looking, season 12025

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